It's been a crazy few months since I last posted. I've had a lot of changes and faf going on, which meant I lost my focus slightly and neglected my drawing and my felts and all the creative things I love doing and was determined to use to get me places and out of this boring little rut I have slipped in to!
But... like I said, today I am feeling so fed up of things being like that! This time last year I had so many dreams of getting Felted Thoughts going as a business, I had people willing to help, I had money leant to me to get supplies and I started banging out so many little handmade felts. I had lots of orders for them and sold a few but then things turned poo and I lost such a good opportunity. So I'm going to drag it back!
My plan for today is after a hunt for a job that I'm better suited to (didn't really have much luck on that!), write up a list of felted pieces I could make and who I could sell them to, hunt for any craft fayres that are occurring over the next year, finish setting up my Felted Thoughts Etsy shop, have a nose at what other people are doing with this sort of thing and then if I have time, hop on the train and go and fetch my wool and needles. If I don't have time I will go to town and buy some. I need some new needles anyway.
Oh and I keep getting told to watch Kirstie's Home Made Home because she's been doing needle felting and entered competitions with it. I didn't really want to at first because I thought she would just been teaching you how to do it and obviously I know that already but the competition part of it has made me prick me ears so try fit that in over the next 2 days as well.
Good luck hun. :) I've been meaning to update my blog for aggggggges...