Friday night saw the last fashion show of my friend and her college BA group. They had already held a show in Brick Lane but this show was held on campus in Ashford. I was really impressed by the standard of all the pieces! But obviously I was mostly there to support Emma, who we gave a big cheer when she came out at the end! I went there with Alma and Lin, who is Ricks Mum. Lin has MS and is in a wheelchair so there was a bit of heave ho-ing when we got in the marquee so we could sit down,

but once we were sorted we actually had a pretty good view (around the back of a twitchy white haired man's head!) from the second row. The girl in the (blurry) picture is modelling one of Emma's dresses. Em is starting up the Tall Fox Dot label I
mentioned in a previous post. My favourite of her pieces was a hooded dress with lazer cut out detailing down the sleeves (right), and I'm really pleased for her because she's had someone interested in buying it! :) >>>>>

She's worked sooo hard on this collection and deserves to become famous from it! So look out for the name! Emma Foxley- Tall Fox Dot!
Her other designs can be seen by clicking here >>>>
Another name to look out for is Heather Blair, who designed and made this awesome blue coat...
I just wish my photos had turned out better!