Last night I attempted to make a rabbit keyring as a birthday present for someone. It was based on a picture of their pet rabbit. However I didn't realised that I haven't got any light brown wool left. So I had a rummage and, as advised by Rick, I went for a sort of burgandy colour as the base instead. Not sure how well this worked. We have been wondering if maybe it looks more like a dog? I like the little sequin heart nose though. But Im not sure. Its cute.... but maybe a bit alieny? Yeh. An alien dog! lol. Or a rabbit? What do you think? It took me a couple of hours to make.

My friend, Anni, has commissioned me to make her a felt of one of her wedding photos! I'm really looking forward to starting this! It's been a while since I've been able to get stuck into something like this and the photo felts are what I like doing the most. Before I start to felt the pictures from the photos, I like to draw them a couple of times in different ways so that I can look at the picture more and pick up as much detail as I can and get an idea of the shapes and proportions. The photo shows the first drawing I made along side the original photo.